Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chocolate & Zuchinni Loaf

I haven't been so excited about a loaf in a long time. Until today.

Chocolate and zuchinni.

They're like that unlikely couple you knew from school. When you first found out they were going out, you thought 'Are they nuts?'

But once you saw them together, you began to think, 'Hang on there, they are actually kinda cute together...'

In the relationship, the zuchinni would be the one working 'behind the scenes'. It keeps the cake super moist so that you don't need to add much (or any) butter and it is content in not receiving any attention and being overpowered by the rich and sexy chocolate.

I've wanted to give this combo a try for some time now, and recently when I read about it from Asha in her lovely blog, I was sold! I loved how she described the zuchinni as being 'altruistic'. I adore that word. I first saw that word inside the lower lip of a friend. He had it tattooed there. A great and traumatic way to remember vocabularies.

Can I also tell you something? I was sure this cake would fail. I didn't follow a recipe in particular and mucked around with the ingredients. You see, I wanted to make it healthier. If my next job doesn't work out, I may have a chance of becoming a nutritionist.

So there I was, whisking together some grated zuchinni, chocolate pieces, spelt flour, extra virgin olive oil and greek style yoghurt. Very worried. Doesn't seem...appetising?

In the oven it went and I had a flashing vision of the baked good down my rubbish chute. Timer beeps.

Sliced into the loaf. Seems like your everyday chocolate loaf. Just not exactly great looking.

A quick bite. Tastes like your everyday chocolate loaf...but so much more moist and soft.

It's lovely stuff.

Just don't forget about the selfless zuchinni in there.
Chocolate & Zucchini Loaf

  • 120 grams (1 cup) spelt flour (or alternatively, use all purpose flour)
  • 30 grams (1/4 cup) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 50 grams light brown sugar
  • 60 grams (1/4 cup) virgin olive oil (or unsalted butter at room temp)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee granules
  • 1 large egg
  • 60 grams Greek style yoghurt (or any other plain yoghurt)
  • 175 grams (1 cup) unpeeled grated zucchini
  • 80grams (1/2 cup) good-quality bittersweet chocolate chips
  • A few tbsp skim milk (optional)
  • Confectioner's sugar (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).

2. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. In the bowl of a mixer (or by hand in a large mixing bowl), beat the sugar and oil (or butter) until fluffy. Add the vanilla, coffee, yoghurt and egg, mixing well between each addition.

3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the zucchini, chocolate chips, and about a third of the flour mixture, making sure the zucchini strands are well coated and not clumping too much.

4. Add the rest of the flour mixture into the egg batter. Mix until just combined; the batter will be thick.

5. Fold the zucchini mixture into the batter, and blend with a spatula without overmixing. Pour into the cake/loaf pan, and level the surface. (I added around 2 tablspoons of skim milk here because the batter seems too heavy).

6. Bake for 45- 50 minutes, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Transfer onto a rack to cool for 10 minutes, run a knife around the pan to loosen, and unclasp the sides of the pan. Serve slightly warm or at room temperature. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.


  1. mmm i really love zuchinni! i think it would be my 2nd fav veg hehe this choc and zuchinni loaf sounds fab!

  2. I really should use the word altruistic more often. And you should sell the tattoo idea as a study tool for the SAT. Just have high school kids nationwide tattooing vocabulary words on their inner lips. :P

    I made a chocolate zucchini cake last year and it was fantastic. This loaf looks even more wholesome, though, with the greek yogurt, spelt, flour and olive oil!

  3. Glad you gave 'altruism' a try!! ;-))

    Love the photos!!!

  4. whoa I arent game enough to experiment! please please save me a piece :D!! When you going on holidays miss?

  5. Suze: Haha you rank your veges (or all food groups)? ;)

    Joanne: Oh no, I just revealed this genius of an idea to the public! Hope no one patents it before I do ;) Yea it's fantastic for sure. Never thought it'd turn out so delish and wholesome!

    Asha: Hehe, Thanks. After reading your post, that combo just stuck with me! So thank you!!

    Julie: Miss, I am already on holiday...hehe with internet access ;) Just posted something I'd written up before.

  6. I have yet to try this hero combination. Its definitely on my list of things to try. Your choc & zucc loaf looks moist and delicious :)

  7. OPPS i mean when do you go overseas =p
    or are you already there :O!

  8. You made up this recipe on the fly? omg that's even more impressive. I love adding yoghurt to cakes - always guarantees a super moist result!

  9. This looks heavenly! I've seen a few of these recipes around now that zucchinis are available and I can't wait to try making one myself! Gorgeous!

  10. oh man the food looks great

  11. Amy: Thanks! Yes, def keep this in mind next time you're in a chocolate mood!

    Julie: Hahha, already here :D

    Helen: Hehe nono - I'm not that confident a baker! I looked thru a few recipes and combined the/substituted ingredients with what I have in my kitchen! :)

    Maria: I'm sure you'll love this...given what I've seen you bake on your blog!

    Joe: Didn't think I'd see you commenting here :) Hungry at work? lol.

  12. Im curious, does anyone have any comments about actually making this recipe? Im curious to see how it turned out?

  13. I made this, it is excellent!!! Everyone in my family loved it!!
    I also added 1 TBSP of cinnamon thanks for the recipe!

  14. Love all your recipes!
    I made this cake today. Cut a piece and ate it straight out of the oven but definitely recommend waiting till the cake cools before cutting it because it taste soooo much better!
