Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Your Place Or Mine? Book signing + Pumpkin Pudding with Cinnamon sauce

You know those movies which start at the peak of actions and have you at the edge of your seats...then all of a sudden they rewind back into the past where you discover all the incidents that lead to that present action-packed day?

Well here is mine:

So let's go back to last week and how it lead up to the above moment.

No no, let's go back to the day I was born and how I was born with good tastes in cups ;)

You see, I love collecting cups but every cup I've purchased and taken to work - it gets stolen.

Last week was no exception. I spent the weekend picking out a cup for my new job as I wanted something that I will be drinking out of to be pleasing to the eyes. Who doesn't?

Yesterday I naively took this new cup to work and I left it outside the bathroom for a brief 2 minutes and when I returned...it was gone! How can it be?

I walked around the office frantically looking for this new but lost friend.

I even sent out an e-mail to the entire office...something along the lines of:

...will the person who accidently borrowed my cup, please return it to me? I will buy (or make) you a cup of coffee if you return it safe (and preferably unused)...

No response with details of its mysterious disappearance.

There are times in a persons life where you just have to quickly accept the cold hard facts. They call it signs of a character...or something like that.

So today at lunch (I am getting somewhere with this story, truly!) I was on the way to buy a replacement cup. And I was intending on getting a realllly ugly one. You gotta learn your lessons right?

Walking past Target, there was a line of people each with this book: Your Place or Mine?

Book signing? I've never been to one before! Or maybe lately I've not liked a book enough to want to get it signed. All the authors I adore are no longer alive actually....

So I walked in and saw Gary and George! The MasterChef Australia judges! Pretty neat huh? They are exactly as how they're on TV - relaxed, down to earth and they joke around and interact with their fans with such ease!

I wasn't planning on getting the book initially, but when I flipped through it and saw recipes like 'Twice Baked Gruyere Souffle' and 'Carrot and Olive Caramel cake', I was sold. Plus I planned to get a cookbook anyways since I have none on my bookshelf since the move from Sydney. What perfect timing! Watch out for their recipes on this space in the near future!

When I was getting my book signed, I told Gary that I'm from Sydney and when George heard that, he gave me a disgusted look. He loves Sydney, that guy. I also told them that I'd like VIP treatments when I go visit their restaurants. I can't remember what they said in response. I think they said of course. We will see, won't we?

Anyways, it is an unfinished story with my cup. But what an serendipitous moment I had today! :)

I leave you with more pictures of my pumpkin pudding with cinnamon sauce in which I made recently.

It was so deliciously spicy and full of sugary pumpkin sweetness.

I will post up the recipe the next time.

For now, I need to go and make myself dinner...maybe something out of the book aye?


  1. haha.. what good timing you have to walk past Target at that moment :) So lucky....

  2. it's so annoying when people do that >=[ good luck with retriving your cup back though :) lucky you! book autographed and a photo!

  3. That's such a nice photo of you! Looking forward to the recipe, that pudding looks delicious!

  4. That's pretty awesome timing! I was wondering whether or not to pick the book up - but perhaps I will wait till you do up some of the recipes and see what you think of them before picking up the book!

  5. And is the missing cup still at large? So sad.

    That pumpkin pudding, on the other hand, makes me smile! It sounds amazing.

  6. YW: haha yes timing is everything :P

    grub: thanks :) and good luck with your exams girl!

    Maria: thank you! yep i shall post it up soon! :)

    Celeste: yes yes good idea. i will hopefully post some up in the next few weeks...then i can also decide whether to get 'the cooks book' that you're working thru ;)

    Helen: Yes :( But i went to pick up another one today. But couldn't resist getting another really nice one lol. Glad the pudding brought a smile to your face :)

  7. I'm not familiar with the work of Gary Mehigan, but I have seen something about Calombaris on Gourmet Traveller - that must be a great book!
    As for your pudding, it looks smooths and divine! Give me anything with cinnamon and I'm a happy girl!

  8. How annoying that your cup got stolen, but good luck that you ran across this book signing! I've never heard of them, since I'm not in Australia, but I can't wait for some of those recipes!

  9. Sad about your cup situation but happy that it lead you to this fun book signing! I have never been to a book signing before but this coming Tuesday, my sister and I are planning to go to a nearby mall to see Ina Garten. I am so... excited!

    I have enjoyed perusing many of your posts. Love your recipes and your artistic photography. Very nice!

    Lovely place you have here!

    Kindly, ldh

  10. So cool to meet the two G's. The pudding looks great. Think I am going to get this book too!

  11. oh noes your cup :(. I had a story about my cup too.. someone chucked a dirty sponge in my cup when i left it for 5 mins!!!

    tell me if the recipes are any good <3

  12. What a lovely lunchtime surprise - lovely shot of the 3 of you :)

    ps - workplace thieves are the lowest form of thieves!!! Grrrr! Please do remember to show us your new fugly and unstealable mug! ;)

  13. haha....maybe it's sorta a good thing that your cup got stolen after all =) But now you still don't have a cup?? Poor you....
    I would die if someone stole my favourite cup =S This pudding looks delicious! I love the sound of the cinnamon sauce!

  14. Patricia: Wow you're very well read that you seem to know a lot of chefs from around the world :) Yes cinnamon is great stuff aye!

    Deborah: Shall put up the recipe soon :)

    LDH: Ina Garten the barefood contessa!!! WOW! That's awesome. I hope to read about it on your blog soon :) Thanks also for your kind comments!

    Ellie: Yeah? Cools - haha we can both cook through it then! ;)

    Julie: Eeew. I guess coz cups are the most used kitchenware that I take it quite personally when something happens to it...or I'm just obsessed :P

    Ladybird: Thank u! LOL...fugly & unstealable mug is actually quite pretty. I just couldn't resist getting another pretty one :( We'll see if the saga continues!

    Von: Yes silver lining in everything ;) Yep was deliciously smoooth and comforting nom nom!

  15. Vivienne what a great post! How fun to meet them. I thought Gary was very friendly when I met him last year :) Sorry to hear about your cup! How very strange-that is not nice!

  16. girl you have guts going up to them and telling them you want VIP treatment. And I love and admire you for it.

    What serendipity! I can't wait to see some of the fabulous things you make from that book.

    I can't believe it about your cup though. People are so weird.

    And pumpkin pudding. Bestill my heart.

  17. Lorraine: Yes Gary is definitely a warm and friendly guy! :)

    Joanne: Hehe, well I said it in a joking way so they wouldn't take it that way I hope ;) Yes a lot of weird people out there who are obsessed with the thrill of cup stealing ><

  18. That would be fun meeting those two! great photo as well.

  19. Arghh I feel your frustration! Australia says no to cup borrowers and stationary stealers! But looking on the bright side, it led you to meet Gary & George! Yay :)

  20. omg u met george and gary! luckyyyyyyyyy
    wow pumpkin pudding! that looks so interesting :D
