Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Steamed Goji and Longan cupcakes

Since my last post, I've managed to fit 'my life' under 20kg and left Sydney to begin this new journey of mine!  So, hello from Melbourne! I am feeling a little unsettled - one reason may be because I don't have anything in my pantry except for oatmeal and rice! And I am also feeling a little out of place and disoriented thus have been avoiding this space lately.

So the packing proved to be a massive challenge. I had to take out more than half of what I had initially packed whilst reminding myself...'what you need, not want Viv!' and relunctantly took out my favourite cookbook and the fluffiest pillow. Nothing from my kitchen made it into the suitcase (except for 4 random sticks of cinnamon! And I don't even know why!) 

It really is a privilege to cook whatever I want and to share it in this space of mine. A privilege I too often take for granted.

I may have to give up on this privilege for the time being as I try to find my feet around here and get my kitchen set-up (a chopping board would be a great start!)

Anyways, these cupcakes are one of the last things I made back home.

You know why they're special?

Because they're healthier than your usual cupcakes (steamed with no butter!) and can be done in less than 30 minutes (including steaming time!)

I do love my goji and longan! Feel feel to substitute with other ingredients you may have like walnuts, cranberries or red beans!

Steamed Gogi and Longan cupcakes
Makes 5 cupcakes

  • 1 large egg
  • 30g sugar (I used brown)
  • 1/4 cup of milk (or yoghurt)
  • 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil (can use other oil like canola or olive)
  • 80g flour
  • 25g goji berries (soak in hot water first)
  • 25g longan
  • 20g soy bean powder (if you don't have it, simply add another 20g of flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
1. In a bowl, beat the egg lightly then add the sugar and mix well.

2.  Then add the milk into the mixture as well as the grapeseed oil. Beat well.

3. Sieve the flour, soy bean powder and baking powder and incorporate into the egg mixture and mix until the batter does not have white parts from the flour.

4. Finally incorporate the goji and longan into batter and mix gently.

5. Ladle the batter into 5 separate cupcake/panna cotta containers which are lined with cupcake liners/muffin cups. I used jelly moulds!

6. In a large pot (or cast iron casseroles), fill it with enough boiling hot water such that when you put the cupcakes in, the water comes about half way on the mould.

7. Steam for around 13-15 minutes with the lid on. I prefer to wrap a cloth/towel on the lid to prevent water droplets dropping onto the cupcakes.

8. Carefully remove from pot as they cupcakes will be steaming hot ;) 


  1. welcome to Melbourne! hope you get used to things here! by the way the transport system is pretty bad here.

    your steamed cupcakes look really tasty! i never knew goji and longan would make a such a good combo :D

  2. Good luck in your new adventure!! And these muffins look amazing - I don't think I've ever had a steamed muffin before.

  3. These look delicious! I love that they are steamed and are so healthy. One thing though, longan and lychee aren't the same... though maybe they call longan that in Australia?

  4. grub: Thanks!! I haven't been on transport yet tho...have just been walking everywhere ;P I'm sure it's not worse than Syd...I hope hehe

    Deb: Thank you! Yea my first time having steamed bread/cake as well! Def makes it more moist!

    kirbie: Good catch - my bad! lol. Thanks for letting me know :) I thought longan was a 'chinese word' and that lychee is the English name for it hehe. But it turns out they're different! :P

  5. Oh no I didn't get to see you before you left!! Hmm I'm down in Melbourne at the end of November for a workshop. Maybe we can meet up?

    hui yee.

    PS. These look tasty!

  6. Look very healthy and tasty too. Loves your photo and your blog :D

  7. ohhhhhh such a nice east meets west fusion!! steaming cupcakes! lolol

    u never fail to impress viv<3
    love from sydney :3

  8. hui yee: That'd be great to see see you in Nov! I'll have someone to share a meal with :) Looking forward to it!

    Zoe: Thank you :) I enjoyed looking thru your blog too!

    sugarpuffi: I didn't think of it as east meet west until you mention it ;) lots of <3 from melb!

  9. hey dude all the best on your new adventure in melb! im sure in no time you'll be teasing us with heaps of baked goods!

  10. Yum, steamed cakes have always been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. These look excellent.

  11. i love longan! ur desserts look delicious!

  12. Mmmmm! Lovely to see a totally different way of making cupcakes, they look lovely and moist too :)

  13. Have fun in Melbourne!! Maybe you need 4 sticks of cinnamon?? haha....
    I couldn't imagine living without my kitchen for a long time =S But on the bright side, you'll get to go shopping for your kitchen =) Which should be fun! haha...

    These cupcakes are unlike any other cupcakes I've seen. I've never seen longan used in cupcakes- much less goji berries! They look really cute and pretty though! And delicious too!

  14. chocolateSuze: I hope so too...actually last night I went to get some baking pans and measuring cups...they were on sale :D

    Lisa: Nice...I've never had steam cakes until now! How much I've missed :P

    mr. pineapple man: i *love* longan addictive!

    Ladybird: Yes yes, they're so moist...esp straight from the steamer!

    Von: Yes, maybe i need 4 sticks of cinnamon for a cup of hot chocolate for a day like today (absolutely freeeeeezing). Yea, I did go shopping for my kitchen yst, but they're so costy ><

  15. oh that is too healthy for me, its missing a drop of pork fat or something. lol

  16. Congratulations on your move! And what lovely cupcakes, I particularly like the cross section pic showing us all of the goji berries!

  17. Well this is indeed a unique spin on cupcakes! Goji and longans are not at all unusual to me but in this form(!), what an ingenious idea. I really like the thought of an Asian-style cupcake; it has crossed my mind before but what to add to the mix, no never.

    Btw, congrats on the move - hope all settles down soon so you can comfortably indulge yourself a little more (eat eat eat) :)

  18. Welcome to Melbourne! I'm glad you made the move ;p Melbourne's awesome and full of little surprises! If ever you want a new friend, feel free to look me up. =)

  19. Hi Viv, these look really moist and delicious, thanks for sharing.

    All the best for your adventures in Melbourne.

  20. Not Quite Nigella: Thanks :) No longan on the cross sections though which is weird lol.

    Jenny: Thanks! I thought of the combo just coz I happened to have these 2 ingredients in my fridge :) So many other combos to try tho!

    Celeste: Hehe, yes Melb is awesome (all the hidden lanes) but I'm still adjusting to it. Am def falling in love with the food markets tho! Thank you - would love to catch up with once I settle down! :)

    Debs: Thank you Debs :)

  21. Awesome recipe! The boy's mother brought over large packs of dried goji berries and dried longan recently but as I don't make Chinese herbal soups, I didn't know what to do with them. Will make these gorgeous steamed cupcakes instead! :D
