Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The last 24 hours and lunch at Yonemura @ Ginza

In the past 24 hours:

  • The masseuse said to me "You eat a lot of sweet food, don't you?". Wow, if she could tell that just by massaging my legs, I wonder what else she knows?!
  • I took a few photos with my first ever SLR camera! Hurray!
  • I was at the airport and wished I could fly to San Francisco instead of Sydney
  • The airport officer at the Taipei Airport laughed my Chinese signature on my passport and said "What kind of writing is that?" ;)
  • I sat next to a girl who had a fever throughout the flight and they had to look for a doctor passenger to examine her. I was glad for a second that I wasn't a doctor so I wouldn't have to 'work' in the middle of the night, but then I caught myself with that selfish thought and wished I was a doctor. Then I fell asleep.
  • For probably the first time, I said 'no' to plane food
  • I made 2 goals for the next couple of months - to sleep at 10:30pm every night for no one likes a baggy eyed girl and to learn Japanese! Sugoiiii!
  • I started missing my parents badly!
  • I day-dreamed of Tokyo and wondered when I'll be back again
  • I baked a banana cake...I missed the simple and humble things like that.


Being in the city with so many restaurants (160,000+ to be more specific according to the trusty Wiki), it's definitely hard to pick a place to eat at during my stay here. Too many choices and limited stomach capacity. One must choose wisely, no?

After some googling around, it seems like the one Michelin-starred Yonemura in the posh Ginza has some raving reviews and I was planning on indulging on sweets in the surrounding shops anyways.

Yonemura is located on level 4 of Barney's New York department store off the main street of Ginza and we were an half an hour late for lunch because we were lured into the nearby 11-stories Abercrombie & Fitch as they had super strong air-conditioner (plus we were forced to take polaroid photos with a topless boy as a souvenir. Fact. I really don't know what this world has come to if you ask me.)

Lunch is Y6,000/Y10,000 per person (you can also get the Y3,800 set if you don't have a reservation).

We all had the Y6,000 set while my dad tried the more expensive option.

Anyways, here comes the food photos...

Menu for the Y6,000 set

Hands down the best bread I've had in my life. It's so addictive - that beautiful exterior crunch and the amazing chewy texture of the inside....hmmmm

Consomme soup with clam and water shield

Seafood spring rolls with tomato kimuchi

Seabass meuniere with eggplant and iberico ham

Summer vegetables jelly and pumpkin soup with sea urchin

This is the most visually appetising dish to me and I couldn't bring myself to dig into this happy-looking dish. The cold pumpkin soup was so light and refreshing as they added coconut milk into it instead ocream. The sea urchin was really sweet too ;)

Ayu and foie gras risotto (this was part of the Y10,000 set)

Gratin with scallop and wax gound

Chilled pasta with octopus and sea grapes

I love the texture of the sea-grapes. It is almost like fish roes in that it is so fun to pop in your mouth.

Chilled pasta with octopus and sea grapes up-close

Grilled duck roast with summer vegetables

I wasn't so keen on this duck as it was too rare for my liking and I found it hard to chew.

Dry small fish and rice OR...

Curry and rice

Shiso and blood orange shorbet to cleanse one's palate

The waitress explained to us that shiso is a type of Japanese herb. This was delicious!

One of the choices of desserts: Swiss rolls with seasonal fruits

One of the choices of desserts: Grapefruit jelly with ice-cream

One of the choices of desserts: Creme Brulee

One of the choices of desserts: Cheesecake (with a piece of camembert cheese on top!)

Petit fours

It was one of the most memorable dining experiences for me in Japan and the European influenced Japanese food was exciting and delicious (and beautiful to look at). The bite sized portions were actually really filling by the end of the meal although we did find room afterwards for eclairs and ice-cream at Pierre Marcolini!

Yonemura is definitely a place I look forward to re-visiting soon :)

東京都中央区銀座6-8-7 交詢ビル4F
Tel: 03-5537-6699


  1. Chilled pasta with octopus and sea grapes
    whoa sea grapes! Omg I am very curious! I dislike super rare duck.. :(

  2. One of the main reasons I want to go to Japan is to try the amazing food there. Your pictures have got my mouth watering like crazy! That's creepy that the masseuse knew you ate a lot of sweets...since sweets are my life I probably just look like a walking sugar block lol

  3. Congrats on the SLR! I could've sworn you had one already... your photos are always top-notch and totally mouthwatering. But now they'll be even better? Crazy.

    I'd be eating tons of sweets too, if I had that stuff in front of me... Jesus. That cheesecake with the camembert is teasing me. Hope you're having a good time! Looks like you are =)

  4. Wow, what a day for you and to end it all with those foods is such a treat! I'd hate to think what my massueuse would say about what I eat! lol :P

  5. What beautiful food. And it must have tasted as good, as well. You're lucky to have that opportunity. Thanks for the really nice photos that depicted your whole adventure. I particularly like your photo of the chilled pasta with Octopus.

  6. wow you sure ate some wonderful food in japan! the vegetable soup is like a flower garden! so bright and colourful

  7. This food is truly a feast for the eyes especially the humble pumpkin soup!
